Bidding Opportunities

A view of downtown Prince George in the summer from City Hall's roof.

The City of Prince George may post formal, competitive bidding opportunities through the Bids and Tenders e-Procurement site with a link to BC Bid. Visit the Bids and Tenders site for more information and a complete listing of available bids.

Bidding Process

Bidding documents and all related information may be found on Bids and Tenders and the results of competitive bids may be posted on the website within two business days after the Notice of Award is issued.

Quarterly procurement reports

For more information on award and tender information from 2020 or earlier:

Visit our Open Data supplier awards listings

Accountability, authority, and reporting requirements

Purchasing Procedures apply to all City departments and provide open and non-discriminatory access to procurements based on applicable trade agreements. City-approved purchasing limits within the applicable financial plan are as follows: 

  • Manager, Risk and Procurement may award contracts where the total cost of the contract (including taxes and other charges) does not exceed $100,000.
  • The City Manager may authorize contracts for goods and services.
  • Only Council may authorize a purchase that is not in accordance with the financial plan.

About Procurement Services

The City of Prince George is committed to fair, open, and transparent procurement practices that seek value for money. Procurement Services provides a centralized, corporate-wide strategic procurement perspective, which includes making value for money decisions, minimizing risk related to the procurement of goods and/or services, and creating and managing contracts between the City and selected vendors.

The Risk and Procurement division is responsible for administering the City's Purchasing Bylaw, setting procedures, and administering Competitive Bidding opportunities for all City departments that are in accordance with approved dollar thresholds consistent with applicable trade agreements.