Economic Updates & Resources

Construction crews working on a building site in downtown Prince George.

Stay informed on economic news

Subscribe to the Economic Development eNewsletter and keep a finger on Prince George's economic pulse. Each quarterly digital edition features information on:

  • New businesses joining the community.
  • The latest career opportunities.
  • New and exciting developments in the community.
  • Important information about the latest economic issues, trends and topics.

Subscribers will also receive monthly Economic Updates via email in addition to the eNewsletter. Stay current on the latest economic news in Prince George and subscribe now.

Economic Updates and eNewsletters

Economic UpdateseNewsletters
2023 September Update2023 September eNewsletter
2023 July Update2023 July eNewsletter
​2024 Q1 Update2024 Q1 eNewsletter
Special Economic Update – Hydrogen Webinar--