Downtown Development

The Canfor Leisure Pool under construction in 2021

Development highlights

Renewing downtown Prince George means tackling all of the city core's infrastructure challenges which include upgrading - or in some cases replacing - above and underground assets. The City has made progress over the years, but much more remains to be done.

The changing face of downtown Prince George

City Council put into motion a number of recommendations set out 10 years ago in the "Smart Growth on the Ground - Downtown Prince George Concept Plan" as part of its commitment to renew the city centre. 

By prioritizing the Concept Plan, we're committed to creating a sustainable downtown area populated by thriving businesses and lively neighbourhoods and working towards a goal that has been discussed for many years.

And we're making progress.

Multiple developments are taking place in the city centre and in surrounding downtown areas, including:

  • Incentive programs for housing.
  • Enhancing parks and trails in the area.
  • Replacing and updating ageing infrastructure in preparation for the future.
  • Beautifying our streets and surrounding areas with flower placements, banners, public art, and more.


Rezoning and the Official Community Plan

The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a statement of objectives and policies that guide decisions on planning and land use management in Prince George. Each property in the city is assigned an OCP designation.

Zoning divides Prince George into 45 standard zones and 10 site-specific zones and regulates, among other things, density, off-street parking and loading spaces, landscaping and screening requirements, and more.

Occasionally, landowners must rezone or amend the OCP to allow for new development or change of use.

  • The rezoning process changes one zone to another.
  • An OCP amendment changes a property's OCP designation to another.