Protection of Privacy - Privacy Management Program

'Privacy' written overtop of a collage of computer code.
The City of Prince George respects an individual’s right to have their personal information protected.  The City protects the personal information it collects, accesses, uses, and stores from individuals including employees, citizens, service providers,

When the City collects your personal information it:

  • Collects the minimum amount of personal information as required for business purposes
  • Obtains consent from individuals in a prescribed way (for example in writing) when collecting their personal information for a prescribed purpose  
  • Describes the purposes for which personal information is used in ‘statements of notification’ on all City forms and collection sites 
  • Ensures personal information collected is accurate 
  • Provides an individual access to their information and the means to correct their personal information
  • Maintains responsible use of information and information technology, including administrative physical and technological security controls and appropriate access controls
  • Develops and continually revises privacy management policies

Your rights

If you have questions about the collection or use of your personal information, correction of personal information, privacy complaints, or concerns regarding your privacy protection:

You can request:
  • How and why your personal information was collected and is being used.
  • To have your information updated or corrected (excluding a change of address or name for tax purposes, which needs to go through BC Assessment).