Advisory Committee on Bear Awareness


Legislative Services Division

City Hall - 5th Floor

1100 Patricia Boulevard

Prince George, BC V2L 3V9


Phone: 250-561-7600

Current Members

This Committee was dissolved by Council at their November 4, 2024 Regular Council Meeting as the Committee has fulfilled its mandate through the submission of their Final Report to Council including recommendations to reduce human-bear conflict and promote human and bear safety. The report can be found in the Resource section of this page.


The Advisory Committee on Bear Awareness is to advise Council and staff on opportunities to increase bear-proofing and reduce bear attractants throughout Prince George to minimize human-bear conflicts in the community and promote public safety and bear safety. 

The Committee consists of up to seven members with one member appointed by the BC Conservation, Northern Bear Awareness Society, and University of Northern British Columbia, and four (4) members appointed by Council.


There are no further meetings scheduled for this committee as the committee has been dissolved.

Review Meetings, Agendas & Minutes for details on upcoming meetings.
