Prince George B.C – The next stage of the City of Prince George ‘Your City, Your Priorities 2024’ budget consultation process is kicking off, with the budget survey launching today.
Residents can once again share their views on what they believe the City of Prince George’s budget priorities should be for 2024. The deadline for the budget surveys is October 31.
As in previous years, the “Citizen Budget” simulator and survey lets participants experiment with City budget allocations for various municipal services. Ratepayers can enter their property tax assessment into the platform to see their tax dollars distributed across City operations like roads and transportation. They can adjust funding allocation values for an idea of how changes to service levels affect their tax bill.
The results of community input will be provided to City Council prior to their budget deliberations in January.
The check-up surveys, which asked participants to let the City know how satisfied they are with certain municipal services, have now closed.
“The budget determines how resources are allocated to essential services, infrastructure improvements and community programs. Resident feedback helps staff and Council make informed decisions that align with resident priorities,” City manager Walter Babicz said.
“By participating in the surveys or coming along to the Q&A sessions later this month, residents have the opportunity to voice concerns, suggest improvements, and influence the allocation of resources where it matters most.”
All the information around the 2024 budget consultation can be found at Get Involved | City of Prince George
Town hall meetings coming this month:
The City is hosting three in-person Q&A events later this month. With the city manager and directors present, the sessions will provide residents the opportunity to ask questions about City services.
The details of the events are:
October 24: The Hart Pioneer Centre, 5pm – 7pm
October 25: College Heights Secondary School (Mutipurpose Room), 5pm – 7pm
October 26: Prince George Conference and Civic Centre, 5pm – 7pm
There will also be an opportunity to learn more about the Official Community Plan (OCP) review with planning staff at a round table at all three events.
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Media contact:
Claire Thwaites, senior communications advisor
Mobile: 778-349-1386