Council meeting summary - July 24 2023

Media Releases

Here are some highlights from the July 24, 2023, City Council meeting. For more information – including the full agenda listing – read the Regular Council Meeting Agenda and its attachments.

Housing Accelerator Fund receives support

Council has approved an application to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund.

The Housing Accelerator Fund program aims to increase the supply of housing through incentives and accelerated processes. It offers funding over four years for initiatives that result in a net increase in permitted housing units on a per unit basis relative to what projected housing targets would be without Housing Accelerator Fund initiatives and contributions.

To apply, the City must now develop a framework action plan and identify a minimum of seven initiatives with milestones that outlines how the City will increase the average annual rate of housing growth by at least 10%.

According to the CMHC 598 units were completed in the city in 2022, with their Housing Needs Report showing a minimum of 8,123 more housing units are needed by 2031.

Tourism Prince George considering visitor centre move

Council received a presentation from Tourism Prince George explaining a proposed move of the visitor centre from its current location on First Avenue.

The presentation highlighted the need to be in an area with high foot traffic and at an affordable rate.

Pine Centre Mall and the Civic Centre Rotunda have been identified as potential relocation sites, with a third option of remaining in their current location.

Council received information on the pros and cons of each potential location. The next step is a public consultation survey to gather community input on the proposed locations.

Inspiring Women Among Us event receives funding

Council received a delegation and funding request on behalf of Inspiring Women Among Us (IWAU), a community-responsive organization and annual event. The event is organized by UNBC faculty, staff, and students along with community partners.

IWAU aims to engage the Prince George community in discussions of gender and gender relations, and to contribute to a more inclusive society.

This year’s event will be held from November 22-29 and the week offers a series of talks, presentations, activities (including art and movement), and workshops recognizing and celebrating women, BIPOC, LGBTQ2SIA+ persons and other under-recognized persons and groups.

Council agreed to provide funding for this year’s event for $7500.

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Media contact:

Claire Thwaites, senior communications advisor

Mobile: 778-349-1386
