Council meeting summary – November 20, 2023

Media Releases

Here are some highlights from the November 20, 2023, City Council meeting. For more information – including the full agenda listing – read the Regular Council Meeting Agenda and its attachments.

Fire training site for Prince George

Council received a presentation on the Fire Services Training Site project, explaining what had been done during phase one.

The presentation highlighted the current training challenges, which include equipment and infrastructure being fragmented across the City, and it being poor quality.

The proposal is to construct a single, centralized training space that incorporates a training facility/warehouse, live fire burn building, and outdoor practical training areas. Three proposed sites for the training site have been identified, with the report showing the most suitable option is behind Firehall #3 along Highway 16.

Council approved a submission for the 2024 budget deliberations for up to $75,000 to conduct phase 2 of the Prince George Fire Training Site Feasibility Study in 2024.

Solid waste collection

Council was presented with a report outlining options and impacts of a change to a bi-weekly schedule for solid waste pick up including compost service options.

Council gave approval for the Solid Waste team to procure professional services to assist with the formulation of a City of Prince George Solid Waste Management Plan. The plan would help inform the requirements for implementing a bi-weekly collection model. Ideally, this process would begin in 2024.

Council also approved a motion to coordinate a presentation by the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George to expand on requirements for diverting recyclables/compostables. The Regional District operates the Foothills Boulevard Regional Landfill and the associated waste diversion programs.

Canada Day grant application

Canada Day celebrations for 2024 may get a funding boost after council agreed that the City should submit an application under the Canadian Heritage Celebrate Canada funding program for the event.

If successful, the federal grant funding of up to $ 42,000 will support a successful Canada Day event in 2024.

The success of the 2023 event at Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park relied on generous community sponsorship, a one- time provincial grant (BC Fairs, Festivals and Event Fund -BCFFE) and in-kind support from the City, including staff resources. Accessing the Canadian Heritage – Celebrate Canada Fund could replace the 2023 one-time provincial funding and help alleviate the pressures on municipal resources.

Hospital Parkade development variance approved

A Development Variance Permit request has been approved by council for the construction of an eight level parkade on the grounds of the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia (UHNBC) on Edmonton Street.

The development request was made by Northern Health, who said the new parkade they are hoping to build will have more than 470 stalls and will dramatically increase the ability for patients, visitors, and staff to find parking at UHNBC which will lead to better health outcomes.

Building permit summary

Council received a Building Permit and Development Permit Summary for the month of October. The report includes all residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional permits, and the estimated total construction value of each development.

In October a total of 45 building permits were issued, made up of 7 commercial/industrial permits and 38 residential permits. Ten of those permits were for new single-family dwellings, worth a combined $4.8 million.

The report also shows the total year-to-date figure for 2023 is 352 permits representing approx. $146.4 million.

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Media contact:

Claire Thwaites, senior communications advisor

Mobile: 778-349-1386
