Reminder: Town hall meetings this week

Media Releases


Prince George B.C – The City of Prince George are reminding residents this is the time to have your say as the ‘Your City, Your Priorities 2024’ budget consultation process continues.

It is the final week of the Budget Survey, with the deadline to participate on October 31. City Directors are also gearing up to answer questions and hear about priorities this week at the three town hall events.

The details of the events are:

Tuesday October 24: The Hart Pioneer Centre, 5pm – 7pm

Wednesday October 25: College Heights Secondary School (Mutipurpose Room), 5pm – 7pm

Thursday October 26: Prince George Conference and Civic Centre, 5pm – 7pm

There will also be an opportunity to learn more about the Official Community Plan (OCP) review with planning staff at a pop-up booth at all three events. Additional staff will be on site to take any specific service requests for neighbourhood maintenance issues.

The results of the community input via the surveys and townhall sessions will be collated into a community engagement report that will be presented to the Council Finance & Audit committee on December 4.

Also at the December 4 Council Finance & Audit meeting, the committee will receive draft operating budget guidelines and a draft capital plan.

There are currently three budget meetings scheduled on 22, 24 and 29 January 2024 where council will deliberate on the final budget.

All the information around the 2024 budget consultation can be found at Get Involved | City of Prince George

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Media contact:

Claire Thwaites, senior communications advisor

Mobile: 778-349-1386
