Reporting graffiti
If you spot graffiti in the downtown area or in City parks or properties, you can let us know by submitting a service request online or by contacting the Service Centre by phoning 3-1-1.
How do I prevent graffiti?
Although preventing graffiti altogether is largely impossible, there are steps you can take to minimize the odds of somebody scrawling on your property or, failing that, make clean-up easier.
- Apply protective coating on walls to help with future graffiti removal.
- Install motion detector lights to discourage vandals.
- Move vehicles, dumpsters, and other items away from walls.
- Cover pipes to prevent access to the roof or upper levels of a building.
- Keep properties tidy.
Bylaw responsibilities
Property owners in Prince George have a responsibility to keep their properties free of unsightly materials or conditions that contribute to neighbourhood deterioration. Graffiti in particular is considered "unsightly" under the Property Maintenance Bylaw (No. 8425) and bylaw applies to all land within Prince George's boundaries.
If you notice graffiti or other unsightly, hazardous, or blighting conditions in your neighbourhood or around the city, let us know by submitting a bylaw complaint.