Type(s)Building & Development You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form.** Please note that we cannot book same day inspections and a minimum of 3 business days is required to book a final inspection. The inspection date and time of your booking request will be confirmed by email. Civic Address Please provide the civic address of the inspection Building or Plumbing Permit Number Please provide the building or plumbing permist number if known Please provide the name and phone number of the contact available on site Contact Full Name Email? Phone Building Inspection Details Type of inspection (e.g., footing, framing, final) - Select -FootingFoundationFramingDampproofing and Drain TileFrost Wall InsulationPre-SlabPre-Slab (Garage)SheathingInsulationPlumbing Site Service & Dye TestPlumbing Underground Rough InPlumbing Aboveground Rough In & Water Line InspectionFinal: Lot Grading, Occupancy, Final Dye Test & Water Meter Inspection (if applicable), and Final InspectionPlease provide the type of inspection Preferred date of inspection (MM/DD/YYYY)