Type(s)Building & Development You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form.Applicant Information Date Company Name Business License # Contact Applicant Name Email Address Phone Number Mailing Address City Postal Code Type of Account Commercial ResidentialBy submitting this application you agree to the following terms:To pay an account set up fee of $50.00, outlined in Bylaw No. 9080.To pay a Bulk Water Station Key Deposit of $100.00. The deposit will be returned within 4 weeks when the key is returned. Deposits may be applied to overdue invoices.To pay a Meter Rental Charge of $50.00 per month which starts with your first quarterly invoice.To pay the Consumption Charge, outlined in Bylaw No. 9080, for the quantity of water used, as determined by the Bulk Water Station Report.To pay all invoices with Cash, Debit or Cheque at City Hall by the due date listed on the invoice. Acknowledgement of TermsI agree to and acknowledge all of the terms of this application