myPG Community Grant Evaluation

Grants and Financial Assistance
  • Current Agency / Organization Information
  • Results: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned
  • Project Budget
  • Complete

Evaluation Report Deadlines

Projects that receive funding in the spring are required to submit this evaluation by March 15th of the following year. Projects that receive funding in the fall are required to submit this evaluation by October 15th of the following year.

If the project is not complete by those deadlines, please provide the information related to the project up to that date. That report will be considered an interim report and a final report must be submitted within 30 days of project completion.

Agency / Organization Information

Please ensure that this email is correct. It will be used to save your drafts. When you submit your application, a confirmation email will also be sent to this email address.

Project Goal and Activities

Any personal information provided on this form is collected by the City of Prince George for the purposes of processing this application, under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact the Supervisor, Community Well-being & Partnerships, at 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC, or by telephone 250-561-7600.

Learn more information about the collection of personal information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

I agree to and acknowledge all of the terms of this application