Travel Grant

Grants and Financial Assistance
  • Current Travel Grant Information
  • Applicant Information
  • General Information
  • Complete

Travel Grants

The Travel Grants help assist young people to participate in wholesome arts, cultural, amateur recreation and sports competition, at the Regional, Provincial, National and International level. This supplementary travel grant assistance helps offset the cost of participating as representatives of the City of Prince George.


To be eligible for consideration all applications must meet the following criteria:

(The applicant refers to the individual youth or team and the sponsoring organization is the non-profit group that supports the applicant)

  1. Individual applicants must be 18 years old or younger. Teams or groups must have the majority of its members 18 years old or younger (only those 18 and under will qualify for assistance).
  2. Applicants must live within the City of Prince George boundaries.
  3. Applicants must be associated with a sponsoring non-profit organization
  4. Applicants must fall under one of the following categories:
    • Won a qualifying competition to compete at a regional, provincial, national or international level event.
    • Been selected at a juried show to have work displayed/presented regionally, provincially, nationally or internationally.
    • Been awarded a scholarship within a specific field or art to attend a school of National or Western Canada recognition.
    • On occasion, those activities that are considered to be in the pursuit of excellence are eligible for funding.
  5. Travel must have occurred prior to submitting an application.
  6. Maximum of ONE grant per calendar year, to an individual or team/group.
  7. Applications must include a signed letter from a current Executive Board of Directors member, on appropriate letterhead, which should include details of the event itself, AND any qualifying events. Letter must also include a statement that the application meets all criteria as outlined in this document.
  8. School based sports and activities are not eligible

Funding Information

  1. The total amount available for each applicant can vary from year to year and depends on the number of applications.
  2. Grants will be reviewed and paid on a bi-annual basis(June and December each year).
  3. Travel Grant cheques will be made payable to sponsoring organizations who must be a registered society or an incorporated body; however, when necessary and appropriate, sponsoring organizations will be advised by letter, when grant monies are to be forwarded to an individual.

For more information, contact 250 561-7640.