Did you know Prince George was one of the first municipalities in Canada to develop a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in 2009? And that, in 2011, we were one of the first five municipalities in the country to complete the Partners for Climate Protection five-step Milestone Framework? Our Downtown Renewable Energy System is also one of very few municipally-run renewable energy systems in the country.
Although climate change may feel like a problem of the future, we're already experiencing its impacts. Climate change has been attributed to growing wildfire risks, increased forest pest infestations, more rain-on-snow events, and increased salt use on our roads.
In response to the climate related challenges facing Prince George, several key adaptation and mitigation strategies have been identified and will be prioritized. These key areas include: wildfire mitigation, increased energy efficiency of City infrastructure, and electrification of some fleet vehicles. A comprehensive list of climate actions the City is planning to undertake is available in the Climate Forward Implementation Strategy. Provincial grant funding has also been secured through the Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP) to help achieve these climate goals.