Heritage Register & Properties

The Howieson house heritage property covered with snow on a winter day.
The Howieson house at 2688 Inlander Street (overlooking the Fraser River) is one of four remaining examples of pre-Great War construction in South Fort George.

About the Heritage Register

Prince George's Heritage Register is an official list of buildings and sites that have heritage value. Sites are added through a City Council resolution upon the recommendation of the Prince George Heritage Commission.

A Heritage Register:

  • Demonstrates community pride and raises awareness about Prince George's history.
  • Provides property owners, potential buyers, and the general public with information about the historical value of individual properties.
  • Identifies key heritage features that should be retained to respect a site's heritage value.
  • Provides the City with the information needed to monitor alterations to properties with heritage value.

Listing a site on the Heritage Register does not constitute permanent heritage protection. The Register is meant to flag properties so the City can share historical information with property owners. Heritage protection tools to permanently safeguard buildings.

Residents interested in adding a property to the Prince George Heritage Register may fill out a nomination form.

Heritage property sites

Each property on the Heritage Register has a Statement of Significance (SoS) which identifies key historical elements and provides a summary of design characteristics that should be retained or restored to respect a building's heritage value.

Residential landmarks

Commercial landmarks

Other landmarks

Managing heritage properties

The Prince George Heritage Commission works with the City of Prince George to identify, recognize, and/or protect local historical properties.  The Commission also supports property owners who are interested in renovating or restoring heritage properties or who wish to learn more about the history of their homes and businesses.

Like other municipalities in British Columbia, the City of Prince George uses five main tools to manage heritage properties: