General Information
The purpose of the Civic Facilities and Parks Space Allocation Guidelines is to communicate fair use, and decision-making of City facilities, parks, and SD57 facilities for the overall benefit of our community.
The City provides civic facilities, and parks that are administered in a fair and equitable manner for use by the residents of Prince George for recreation, sport, and special events. The City achieves this goal by managing space allocation in a way that strives to ensure optimal utilization and programming. The City coordinates and issues facility contracts and permits for civic facilities, City parks and outdoor recreation facilities, as well as SD57 schools and sport fields through a Shared Use Agreement.
Guiding Principles and Objectives:
Space Allocation For:
Recreation, sport, and events. Enjoying lifetime leisure activities which fosters physical, social, and emotional growth. Resident access to a wide variety of activities, while providing a balance between the quality and quantity of these activities. Participation at all levels of ability while considering the cost/benefit relationship. Access to basic leisure skill development. Special event opportunities that may take priority over regularly scheduled programs and space bookings.
Space Allocation That:
Provides fair and equitable space allocation for a person, group, or organization. Provides effective and efficient utilization of space and time. Provides opportunities to host conferences, conventions, meetings, festivals, championships, tournaments, invitational events, and competitions of all kinds. Provides opportunities for children and youth. Provides a community benefit. Provides opportunities to participate at higher levels of sport and general activities. Provides a balance between community recreational use and special event use. Provides program stability for leagues, groups, clubs, societies, and associations. Provides space allocation at the Prince George Aquatic Centre and Canfor Leisure Pool that has special events as a priority. Provides space allocation at the CN Centre and Community Arenas that have special events as a priority. Provides space allocation at the Prince George Conference and Civic Centre that has annual conferences, annual special events, conferences, special events as a priority in this order. Provides space allocation at Masich Place Stadium that has special events as a priority. Provides public education and input regarding the allocation of space.
City Bylaws:
Facility contracts require the person, group, or organization to abide by and adhere to all City bylaws, provincial and federal regulations, or legislation. The onus is on the person, group, or organization to ensure that they are aware of the bylaws, regulations, and legislation. Examples of activities regulated by City Bylaws and procedures include, but are not limited, to the following:
Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557 | Park and Open Space Bylaw No. 7370 |
Garbage Collection Bylaw No. 7661 | Responsible Animal Ownership Bylaw No. 8898 |
Municipal Alcohol Service *Council Procedure* | Sign Bylaw No. 7202 |
Noise Control Bylaw No. 3848 | Smoke and Vape Free Places Bylaw No. 8591 |
Code of Conduct (Respect)
All City facility/park users are responsible to follow a code of conduct and treat others with respect, dignity, and fairness promoting a safe and positive experience for everyone. All differences are resolved in a calm and professional manner. Consistently treat individuals fairly, respectfully, and abstain from behaviour, actions or language that promote discrimination, racism, hatred or is demeaning. Demonstrate a spirit of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and withhold aggressive acts, threats, violence, or profanity.
Examples of Respectful Behavior Include:
Being polite, courteous, and appropriate to others. Accepting responsibility for your own actions, reactions, and the impact your behavior has on others. Making your concerns promptly and politely known if something is troubling you. Taking initiative to communicate with City staff when you encounter bothersome behavior, expressing the impact the behavior is having on you. Being part of the solution. Informing City staff of behaviour that is not respectful or is a risk to facility/park users
Examples of Inappropriate Facility Behavior Include:
Conduct that a person knows, or reasonably ought to know that is unwelcome or making others uncomfortable. Conduct, comments, actions, or gestures which are humiliating, offensive, hurtful, or belittling. Yelling, swearing, or shouting with the intent to intimidate or create disruption. Harassment, violent or threatening behavior.
Always comply with the bylaws, policies, rules and regulations, and refrain from conduct that is damaging, polluting, or detrimental to the facility. The code of conduct serves to enhance public confidence that the use of City facilities and parks space is respectful. This code is not intended to replace the use of common sense, personal ethics, or morals. Each division is responsible for their own rule enforcement.
Booking Disputes and Resolutions:
The City of Prince George provides fair decision-making that is accountable to the public it serves. If a booking dispute occurs that directly impacts a person, group or organization, all resolution attempts will occur through respectful exchange of information. The first step in the resolution process is for the staff member who created the booking to provide adequate information about the decision made and the decision-making process. The second step in the resolution process is the Division Manager will provide an opportunity to those impacted to be heard and review the decision-making process and the decision being made. The Division Manager will provide a written response to the dispute ensuring decisions are made without bias, acting consistently with the rules that apply and are considerate of the individual’s needs and circumstances based on relevant information. The final step in the resolution process should the previous two steps fail, the Department Director will review the dispute and be the final decision maker. The Department Director will review the dispute taking into consideration that a fair process, fair decision and fair service occurred.
General Allocation Process:
The City sends notifications of booking application deadlines to groups, or organizations who have previously booked space, events or are known stakeholders at City or SD57 facilities. Once the booking application deadline has passed, the City begins the allocation process based on scheduling priorities. The City reserves the right to assign space to satisfy changing priorities, appropriate usages, and emerging municipal, provincial, or national directives.