Silhouette of crowd watching fireworks at night

Rules for usage

Consumer fireworks may only be used on July 1, October 31, and December 31 without a permit.   Outside of these dates, a valid consumer fireworks permit is required. You may only use fireworks on your own property, unless you have written permission from the property owner

Display and Pyrotechnics fireworks require a valid permit any day of the year (no exceptions).

You must not discharge, propel, point or throw fireworks at any person, animal, vehicle, building or structure. 

To use, purchase, or possess fireworks you must be over the age of 18.

Sales of consumer fireworks

A Fireworks Sales and Storage permit is required to sell consumer-grade fireworks. Fireworks may only be sold on the following dates:

  • Between June 25 and July 1.
  • Between October 24 and 31.
  • Between December 27 and 31.

Pyrotechnics and display fireworks

For rules and regulations on the usage, purchase, and sale of professional-grade fireworks and pyrotechnics, see the Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw.