Effective August 1, 2024, the Province of British Columbia issued a Housing Target Order to the City of Prince George, aiming to complete at least 1,803 net new housing units over the next five years. "Net new" refers to new, move-in-ready units minus those lost through demolition.

Housing Supply Act background
In May 2023, the Province of British Columbia implemented the Housing Supply Act to boost the quantity and speed of new housing developments. This legislation empowers the Province to establish housing targets for 47 municipalities, as specified under the Housing Supply Regulation. Prince George is included in the third cohort of municipalities selected for Housing Target Orders.
Housing target progress will be evaluated after the first six months and then annually, based on net new units completed and municipal actions taken to meet these targets. If a municipality fails to meet the cumulative annual housing target, it must submit a plan detailing actions it will take to achieve the target and work with the Ministry to realize housing goals.
The Ministry of Housing has committed to reviewing 16 to 20 municipalities annually to assess housing targets and address housing supply and affordability. The ministry collaborates with municipalities to understand community housing needs and set targets with careful consideration for local planning and land use.
Order breakdown
This target is based on 75% of the Province’s estimate of housing need for the City of Prince George (2,404 units) over the next 5 years. The Province has also provided the City with a comprehensive breakdown of desired unit and tenure types, and affordability guidelines based on estimate need. These guidelines are intended to create housing that meets the specific needs of our residents, such as affordable rental housing for families, and are not included in the official Housing Target Order.

Role of the City
The Housing Target Order presents a significant opportunity to advance the City of Prince George's existing initiatives, enhance the availability and accuracy of housing completion data, and align Mayor and Council’s strategic priorities with housing development efforts.
Regular progress reporting will track housing completions, building permits issued, and projects in the development pipeline, as well as steps taken by the Municipality to update policies and procedures in support of increased housing. The City of Prince George’s first progress report will be published for Council, the Public, and the Province in winter 2025, following 6 months of progress since issuance of the Housing Target Order.
The City is well-positioned to support increased and diverse housing development in partnership with the Province. Below are the city-led initiatives currently under way to increase housing in our community:
- Official Community Plan (OCP) update and Complete Communities Assessment in progress.
- Zoning Bylaw Amendments (June 2024) completed to accommodate Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing, allowing up to four units on most single-family and duplex lots.
- Partnership with BC Housing to address homelessness through a Memorandum of Understanding and land provisions for supportive housing and temporary housing.
- Housing Development Liaison position created with funding from Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT).
- Preparation of an application to CMHC’s Housing Accelerator Fund to develop strategies for increasing housing.
- Preparation of an Interim Housing Needs Report, which will update our 2022 Housing Needs Report by December 31, 2024.
- Development of a Housing Strategy in progress to support housing development.
- Restructuring of Development Services applications through new City-wide permitting and file management software to increase timeline and process efficiency.