Here are some highlights from the February 3, 2025, City Council meeting. For more information – including the full agenda listing – read the Regular Council Meeting Agenda and its attachments.
Ice Oval refrigeration request
Council received a presentation from Kathy Lewis, the President of the Outdoor Ice Society of Prince George. The society asked council to direct administration to develop an estimate and plans for refrigeration of the outdoor ice oval.
The ice oval has been in its current location since 2007 and is a not-for-profit registered society run by volunteers. Their request for refrigeration creates opportunity for the oval to be open more frequently.
Council voted in favour of administration developing an estimate of capital and operating costs and lifecycle funding of refrigeration, with options to include refrigeration in concrete.
Update on the Official Community Plan
Council received an update on the Official Community Plan review project, including a ‘what we heard’ report from phase 4 of public engagement, and approved the first reading of the OCP bylaw.
Additional motions on the same agenda item, including the second reading and the addition of a special council meeting on February 26 to act as a public hearing, were deferred to the next council meeting. This means that the public hearing for the OCP will not be held this month.
The City of Prince George kicked-off the Official Community Plan (OCP) Review in fall 2023. The existing OCP was adopted in 2011.
AAP for three capital projects coming
Council has approved the use of the alternative approval process (AAP) for the borrowing of funds for three capital projects.
The report to council explains total amount looking to be borrowed is $11.4 million, split over the three projects as follows: Equipment financing $5.49 million, Stormwater system renewal $2.62 million and Civic Centre’s building automation system (BAS) and chiller renewal $3.26 million.
The AAP is scheduled to take place over April and May and more details about how to participate will be publicised closer to the time.
Temporary Use Permit for Hart property approved
An application for a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) on the Hart Highway was approved by council, but for a reduced period of one year not three years. As explained in the report to council, the subject property is zoned suburban residential, and the applicant is currently storing and renting out U-Haul trucks and trailers on the subject property.
There is no principal use or dwelling established on the subject property and as such home business regulations are not applicable. The motion to deny the application was rejected, and a second motion to provide the one-year TUP was passed.
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Media contact:
Claire Thwaites, senior communications advisor
Mobile: 778-349-1386