Park Promotional Form


The City of Prince George trademarked Mr. PG in 1985 and the City oversees his depiction as a symbol of the community. Community organizations and non-profit groups can have the Mr. PG statue wave their flag to celebrate an occasion or promote their events.

Applicant Information


Secondary Contact


Booking Information

What type of Mr. PG promotion?

Community Signage Guidelines

  1. Signage permitted on land zoned P1, Parks and Recreation, is to promote upcoming community group events and public service announcements.
  2. Locations are allocated on a first come first serve basis and applications will be accepted up to one year in advance. Priority will be given to events that are at civic facilities.
  3. A site plan showing accurate placement of the proposed sign including the setback to existing signs, building and property boundaries.
  4. Community Event signs to a maximum of 8 m2  (86 ft.2) in area provided that an encroachment agreement has been entered into with the City for those Signs over 1.5 m2 (16 ft.2) in area, in accordance with Section 9.2 of Bylaw no. 7202.
  5. No Sign or part of a Sign shall be erected or placed in a manner which obscures or obstructs vision within 5 m (17ft.) of the intersection Lot lines where two road right of ways meet.
  6. Signs erected or placed on a road right of way, or other City-owned property, not constructed or placed in strict compliance with the requirements of this Bylaw, shall be forfeited to the City and subject to confiscation.
  7. Community Event Signs shall not be erected for a period exceeding 30 days, and shall be removed up the completion of the event.

The Mr. PG Statue

Mr. PG can promote community events and bring awareness to charitable causes by holding a promotional flag and be illuminated in a variety of colours. 

The City Parks Division maintains a publicly accessible location at the intersection of Highways 16 and 97 where a statue of Mr. PG is located. 

The City considers requests from non-profit and charitable organizations that wish to utilize Mr. PG in the promotion of events or activities: 

  • The Mr. PG statue normally holds the Canadian flag but can hold the flag(s) of other not-for-profit or charitable organizations upon request and payment to bring awareness and recognition to important causes.
  • Please ensure the flag clearly displays the charitable cause. This should cover the majority of the flag up to 80%. The City has the right to refuse to fly a flag that doesn’t meet requirements.
  • The Mr. PG statue holds flags as large as 5’x10’ however smaller than 4’x7’ is possible but not recommended. Flags must be made of a non-abrasive material and must be professional and positive in appearance.
  • Mr. PG can also be illuminated with lighting of different colours. *NEW* Please be aware that the City will only colour illuminate Mr. PG when a group requests to fly their flag.
  • Mr. PG can be booked to fly a flag for a maximum of one (1) week (Monday to Monday or Tuesday to Monday on long weekends

We do not approve Mr. PG’s use in connection with commercial purposes for profit. Depictions of Mr. PG must also not imply:

  • Mr. PG is endorsing a commercial product, business, or religion.
  • Expressing a political opinion.
  • Contradicting the human rights code.
  • Performing an unsafe or illegal activity.

The City permits imagery (photographs and video, for example) to be captured on-site and publicized, but the depiction of Mr. PG must not be altered.

One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.
Please Choose a Colour
Note: A limited number of colors are available. Specific colours can be available at the users expense. 

**** Approval for any of these will be required ****

A copy of the image of your flag is required. If there are any difficulties uploading the files below please print the required documents and deliver them to City of Prince George 1100 Patricia Blvd Prince George BC V2L 3V9 or provide a link to the document.

Please attach an image of your flag
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif.

The personal information on this form is collected by the City of Prince George for the purposes of processing this application, under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact the Manager, Parks and Solid Waste, at 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC, or by telephone 250-561-7600.

Learn more information about the collection of personal information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.